Well we finally left Voe on Tuesday morning having agreed to take part in an air-sea rescue exercise. This involved us as the 'casualty' and the lifeboat and helicopter to rescue our casualty. The whole thing was being filmed for a German TV company doing a programme about the Coastguard and Rescue services in the Northern Isles. Our bit didn't take too long and after Karen Emslie - the casualty - was taken off to the lifeboat we were soon on our way through Papa Sound whilst the tide was still in our favour.
The sea was a bit jumbly and a fair breeze had picked up by the time we reached Scalloway but not a bad sail at all. The best bit was the girls (including Mum!) were not sick which usually happens on our first trip of the year.
We are staying at the Scalloway Boating Club Pontoon until Sunday when the wind should be more favourable for us when we will head off to Orkney.
We have received many visitors onboard over the last couple of days which has been very lightsome. The girls are at their last day of nursery today but don't really realise exactly what is going on.